Enable Intellisense in pyt files in PTVS

Today I finalised my changeover to Visual Studio. I know I’ve been down this road before, but this time it’s different (probably).

This time around, I’m using Visual Studio 2015 Professional with Python Tools For Visual Studio. My shiny MSDN licence gives me access to it, along with Visual Studio Online. I mention that because after thoroughly messing up my Bitbucket account, I’ve now decided to play nice with the MS way of doing this, and using VSO for my source control.

That is not what this post is about though. Things were looking a bit down when I tried to import arcpy and VS could not resolve the import. After immediately googling the issue, I decided to look back at the editor and saw that the squiggly line was gone. Turns out VS needed a few minutes to decide that it liked ArcPy after all.

Like Joel McCune’s PyScripter workaround, I figured VS would need something as well to recognise Python toolboxes. After some clicking around, the solution was trivial: Tools > Options > Text Editor > File Extension. Type pyt into the text box and choose Python Editor from the dropdown list.

The settings take a few minutes to take effect, but it’s evident it’s working once the pyt file changes to the Python colours. Now I just have to figure out how to structure all my files within a solution…